Dear colleague


The Iranian Journal of Structural Chemistry (IJSC) is a peer reviewed paper print and open access (online journal, free of publication charges), which publishes research articles, reviews, letters and guest edited thematic issues representing important scientific progress in all the various domains of chemistry dealing with structure, dynamic and mechanism.

We welcome wide range of research (in all areas of chemistry and physics) involving discussion of methodology, structure, reaction mechanism and nano-materials, experimental and/or theoretical.

It is my pleasure to inform you of the First Announcement and Call for Papers of the Iranian Journal of Structural Chemistry. This is an International Journal published in English by Isfahan University of Thechnology.

Please send the original paper, graphical abstract (as described in the template file) and supporting information (where it applies) to the following E-mails in a PDF file including letter to Editor:

Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been published previously (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis), that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere., that its publication is approved by the responsible authorities where the work was carried out, and that, if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in any language, including electronically.


Please visit the journal's homepage for more information e.g. aims and scope, editorial board list, indexing media and instructions for authors.

Temporary address (available now):

Permanent address (under construction):,


Aim and scope

The Iranian Journal of Structural Chemistry (IJSC) is a peer reviewed paper print and open access (online journal, free of publication charge), which publishes research articles, reviews, letters and guest edited thematic issues representing important scientific progress in all the various domains of chemistry dealing with structure, dynamic and mechanism.

We welcome wide range of research (in all areas of chemistry and physics) involving discussion of methodology, structure, reaction mechanism and nanomaterials, experimental and/or theoretical. Stable and reactive molecules, chemical intermediates, molecules in excited states, biochemicals, polymers, organic synthesis, complexes and catalysis in all phases.


IJSC template