Organic Chemistry Research
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About this Journal
Organic Chemistry Research (OCR) is an international peer-reviewed, open access journal that covers all aspects of organic chemistry. The journal publishes original papers of high scientific level in the form of Full Papers, Short Communications and Reviews. All submitted manuscripts undergo rigorous blind peer review. All available content and materials on OCR are available for free under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
About the Publisher
Established in 1965, the Iranian Chemical Society (ICS) is a not-for-profit, National Association uniting chemistry students and professionals involved in the technology and science of chemistry in academia and industry in Iran. Among its many activities prior to the Iranian revolution in the Seventies, ICS held national and international level congresses where renowned scholars such as Professors R. Belcher, F.A. Cotton, C.S. Marvel, G.P. Haight, R.S. Mulliken and L. Pauling presented their lectures and many other outstanding figures in chemistry from over the world participated.
After the Islamic revolution in Iran, the activities of the society came to a standstill for a few years. In 1984, the need for a society was stressed by a group of well-known Iranian chemists. In a meeting held at the Iranian Ministry of Culture and Higher Education (later renamed to the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology), the above-mentioned group, designated as the Founding Board, was appointed to prepare the necessary articles and reconstruct the society. After preparation and ratification of the articles by the Founding Board, the society was revived under the name of Iranian Chemical and Chemical Engineering Society (which was again changed to Iranian Chemical Society in 1993). The new constitution was ratified in a congress resulting in the election of the members, the ICS Senate, the President and the Board of Directors for the first time after the revolution.
Today, the Iranian Chemical Society with more than six thousand members is a well-known scientific society in the world. ICS currently has 11 scientific committees:
Analytical Chemistry
Chemical Education
Chemistry and Environment
Chemistry and Industry
Inorganic Chemistry
Oil and Energy
Organic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
Scientific Publications
Each committee acts independently in coordination with the Board of Directors in planning, fund raising and development of strategies for science production, education and research. Motivated by the goal of reaching out to an increasing global audience for international scientific exchange and collaboration, ICS is the publisher of six scientific journals: Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society (2021 Impact Factor: 2.271), Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry Research, Inorganic Chemistry Research, Organic Chemistry Research, Physical Chemistry Research and Nanochemistry Research.
Time Schedule
OCR is a semi-annually publication and follows the following schedule for publication:
March (Winter and Spring)
December (Summer and Autumn)
Full-text of all published articles are freely available on the journal website ( under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Advertising Policy
Org. Chem. Res. does not accept and publish the advertisement.
Contact information
Address: Iranian Chemical Society, 4th floor, No. 7, Maragheh street, Ostad Nejatollahi Avenue,
Tehran, Iran. (Postal Code: 1599676814)
P.O. Box: 15875-1169
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